When you live with a substance use disorder (SUD), many aspects of daily life can feel more challenging. You may struggle in your relationships, employment, daily functioning, and more. Many people with addiction look for information in a range of places as they consider getting help. The internet can be a source of information–but it’s important to be careful where you’re looking.
Reddit is an online forum where users can discuss a wide range of topics. There are subreddits (user-created boards about specific topics) for just about any subject. Some subreddits allow people to talk about drug use, addiction, and recovery.
But is it safe to take advice about drug use from Reddit?
Reddit allows anyone to post almost any information without providing sources or citations. It can be a source of connection for people living with addiction–but it can also mean access to misinformation and harassment.
This article will explore the risks of taking advice about substance abuse from Reddit. You’ll learn about why getting information about addiction and recovery from social media can be dangerous and where to find reputable information and help instead.
If you or someone you love struggle with substance abuse or addiction, you are not alone. Find compassionate, evidence-based information and treatment by reaching out to Moving Mountains Recovery. Contact our intake team to learn about our holistic treatment programs or to schedule an intake appointment.
The Risks of Taking Advice About Drug Use From Reddit
Since 2005, Reddit has allowed users worldwide to connect with others about a wide range of topics. Millions of users discuss topics related to music, culture, politics, and more. There are many subreddits related to drug abuse, addiction, and addiction recovery. Users may post questions, share experiences, and ask for advice.
However, getting information about substance use from Reddit can actually do more harm than good. In some cases, it may lead to life-threatening consequences.
Here are some of the most significant risks of taking advice about drug use from Reddit.
Inaccurate information
First, Reddit allows users to post and respond to others without providing citations or credentials. The result? Plenty of misinformation and dangerous advice.
People who have struggled with addiction, observers, and trolls can post and respond with unfounded or dangerous information. This can lead to severe problems, including an increased risk of relapse or overdose.
Potentially triggering posts
Reading content about drug use or addiction could be triggering for people in recovery. Visiting Reddit to gather information about substance use opens users to a range of related topics–and some of them may be triggering.
Inaccurate or unfounded information can also create a sense of safety or normalcy to drug use. People may use other people’s stories to justify their own substance use or get the sense that their use is “not that bad.” This can prolong substance use and allow an addiction to worsen.
Judgment or harassment
While moderators can provide some oversight of the content people post, many users note that subreddit moderation is not consistent. Posting in a subreddit or reading replies can expose users to judgment or harassment. Instead of finding compassion, information, and connection, people may receive judgment and shame.
Putting off getting real help
Relying on social media for information can keep people stuck where they are. Instead of learning about the real roots of addiction and taking steps to address them, people can get caught up in other people’s experiences, judgment, and misinformation.
Living with substance use disorder can feel lonely or isolating. People with SUD need and deserve compassion and accurate information. Reddit can often offer people with SUD the opposite of this.
If you live with substance abuse or addiction, finding accurate, evidence-based information is critical. Social media like Reddit may feel like an easy, free source of information and support, but relying on it can lead to severe issues and worsening substance abuse issues. Find reliable, compassionate support and treatment by contacting Moving Mountains Recovery.
Recognizing Substance Abuse and Addiction
If you are trying to find information about drug use on Reddit, it may be a sign that you can benefit from addiction treatment or recovery support. Recognizing addiction and seeking treatment as early as possible can help you overcome this condition and move forward.
Some of the signs of addiction you should watch for include:
- Needing to use larger amounts of a drug to get the desired effects
- Regularly using more drugs or drinking more than you planned to
- Experiencing drug cravings
- Having withdrawal symptoms (tremors, sweating, nausea, anxiety, insomnia, body aches, etc.) when you stop using drugs or drinking
- Spending a lot of time and energy thinking about, getting, using, or recovering from using a drug
- Taking risks while using a drug (driving while high, having unprotected sex, etc.) or doing dangerous things to get a drug
- Wanting to stop using a drug but being unable to on your own
Drug addiction can make many aspects of your life more challenging. Getting evidence-based, holistic treatment can help you turn your life in a different direction and work toward a healthier future.
Find Treatment Now
If you or someone you love struggles with substance abuse or addiction, help is available at Moving Mountains Recovery. Find accurate information about substance use disorder (SUD) or explore our treatment programs by contacting us today.