What Happens During Wellbutrin Withdrawal According to Reddit

Wellbutrin (Bupropion) is a commonly prescribed antidepressant medication. It is a norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI) that works by increasing the levels of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain. These neurotransmitters play a key role in regulating mood, motivation, and focus. 

Wellbutrin helps improve symptoms of depression and can also aid in smoking cessation. 

When you stop taking Wellbutrin, especially suddenly, your brain needs time to adjust. This disruption can lead to withdrawal symptoms, also known as antidepressant discontinuation syndrome.

In this article, we’ll explore what happens during Wellbutrin withdrawal by looking at the experiences of people who have gone through it themselves and shared their experiences on Reddit. You will learn:

  • The symptoms of Wellbutrin withdrawal
  • How long withdrawal lasts
  • About real-world experiences with Wellbutrin withdrawal
  • How to detox safely

What Causes Wellbutrin Withdrawal?

Wellbutrin (Bupropion) is an antidepressant that affects norepinephrine and dopamine levels in the brain. It is used to treat anxiety and depression. While it is not considered addictive in the traditional sense, the body can come to rely on the effects of Wellbutrin to function normally. As a result, people who suddenly stop taking Wellbutrin after a long period of time often experience antidepressant discontinuation syndrome or withdrawals.

There are many factors that affect the severity and duration of Wellbutrin withdrawal. These include:

  • Stopping Wellbutrin abruptly – A sudden drop in norepinephrine and dopamine levels can trigger withdrawal symptoms.
  • High dosage – Higher doses may lead to stronger withdrawal effects.
  • Duration of use – Long-term use can make withdrawal more intense and prolonged.
  • Individual brain chemistry – Some people are more sensitive to changes in serotonin levels.
  • Tapering too quickly – Gradual dose reduction helps minimize withdrawal but doesn’t always prevent symptoms.

Common Wellbutrin Withdrawal Symptoms

Quitting Wellbutrin cold turkey is not recommended. It can cause mild to severe withdrawal symptoms, such as:

  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Depression or worsening of original symptoms
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating (“brain fog”)
  • Insomnia or vivid dreams
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Brain zaps

What Reddit Users Say About Wellbutrin Withdrawal

The subreddits r/antidepressants and r/bupropion regularly have users asking others about their experiences with Wellbutrin withdrawal.

Users in the comments share their experiences with Wellbutrin withdrawal:

  • “I took 350mg XL for 4 years. I stopped it cold turkey, a bit of dizziness and tiredness for three or four days, on day 5 now and just feel a little tired but otherwise better than I felt—emotionally—on it.” – broozi
  • “Complete loss of appetite, crazy sweating and diarrhea for months.” – megggzzz21
  • “Stopped cold turkey from 300 mg daily after 3 years of prescription. Only had slight insomnia for 4 days. Nothing else. My appetite did increase a bit though, so I had to be more mindful about my eating.” – Soundcaster023
  • “I cut my 300mg Wellburtrn XL down to 150mg, 3 weeks ago, for the past 2 weeks I’ve just been feeling out of it. It’s been really bad this past week, generalized weakness, nausea, achy all over, burning/cooling sensations.” – NickiStacked
  • “I just went cold turkey and it’s been extremely hellish for me. I was on 150mg and I’ve had nausea, diarrhea, tiredness, heat intolerance, sweating, and dizziness. It’s been a little over a week and I’m at a loss for what to do. Just hoping it goes away soon.” – violette-azarael
  • “I was on it for around 10 months 150XL STOPPED COLD TURKEY three days ago. Panic attacks at night and numbing on my extremities. Sucks and makes me feel I’m admit to die sometimes I guess that’s just panic attacks… Yet nothing compared with the Xanax withdrawal.” – deleted account
  • “It was terrible for me. Impossible to get off. I’ve tried cold turkey, I’ve tried weening every other day, tried smaller immediate doses, nothing works for me so I’m still on it.” – caligoanimus

While individual experiences vary, users seem to agree that the best way to quit Wellbutrin is to do it very slowly under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Understanding NDRIs and Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome

While Wellbutrin withdrawal is generally less intense than SSRI withdrawal, it can still be uncomfortable. Unlike selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which primarily target serotonin, NDRIs focus on boosting energy, alertness, and overall mental well-being.

NDRIs don’t always cause withdrawal symptoms, but some people still experience uncomfortable symptoms after discontinuation. This happens because the brain has adapted to the increased availability of norepinephrine and dopamine, and sudden changes can disrupt neurotransmitter balance.

Although NDRI medications are safe, effective, and widely used, they do not come without risks. One risk is the potential for antidepressant discontinuation syndrome (withdrawal) if you suddenly stop taking an NDRI or without tapering off it.

Brain Zaps During Wellbutrin Withdrawal

While antidepressant withdrawal can cause a range of symptoms, one of the most notorious is brain zaps. Brain zaps are sudden, brief, and often uncomfortable sensations that feel like electric shocks in the brain. 

On the r/antidepressants subreddit, users describe brain zaps in the following ways:

  • “Do you know when you’re about to fall asleep but you get that thing where your mind convinces you you’re falling? that’s kind of what they feel like except without the fear. it’s basically just a zap in your head, it’s not painful and it makes it a little hard to think.” – elisacutie
  • “For me it was a quick buzzing sensation momentarily or for a few seconds and would pass. It was definitely not painful in any way tho. (…annoying maybe, but that’s it.)” – StevnBrklyn
  • “For me it was always when I’d turn my head it felt almost like I’d skip a second of consciousness. It’s not like I’d be unconscious, more like I’d just almost skip time. My brain would skip a beat.” – Electronic-Trade-504
  • “Brain zaps are kind of like when you look at a bright light and your jaw clenches and it’s like a little buzz sensation” – 80sScreamQueen

While the exact cause of brain zaps isn’t fully understood, they are believed to result from the brain adjusting to lower serotonin levels after stopping an SSRI or NDRI.

Brain zaps can vary in intensity and frequency, lasting anywhere from a few days to several weeks. While they are not dangerous, they can be distressing and interfere with daily life. 

Tapering off Wellbutrin is the Solution

Gradually tapering off Wellbutrin under medical supervision can help reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms, including brain zaps.

If you have been taking Wellbutrin, it’s best to speak with your prescribing doctor before deciding to quit. Quitting can lead to not only withdrawal symptoms but also a re-emergence of depression and anxiety.

If your prescribing physician thinks it’s time to quit Wellbutrin, they will help you slowly taper off it by gradually reducing your dose over a period of weeks or months. Tapering slowly can help you avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Find Support Today

At Moving Mountains Recovery, you’re more than just a number. Our addiction treatment and mental health programs are uniquely tailored to meet your needs and set you on the path to recovery. Whether you need detox, outpatient treatment, or therapy, we can help. Contact us today to get started with a confidential, risk-free assessment.

  1. National Institute of Health (NIH): Bupropion
  2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Wellbutrin
  3. Sage Journals: Bupropion: a systematic review and meta-analysis of effectiveness as an antidepressant
  4. American Family Physician: Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome

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What Happens During Wellbutrin Withdrawal According to Reddit

Wellbutrin (Bupropion) is a commonly prescribed antidepressant medication. It is a norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI) that works by increasing the levels of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain. These neurotransmitters play a key role in regulating mood, motivation, and focus. 

Wellbutrin helps improve symptoms of depression and can also aid in smoking cessation. 

When you stop taking Wellbutrin, especially suddenly, your brain needs time to adjust. This disruption can lead to withdrawal symptoms, also known as antidepressant discontinuation syndrome.

In this article, we’ll explore what happens during Wellbutrin withdrawal by looking at the experiences of people who have gone through it themselves and shared their experiences on Reddit. You will learn:

  • The symptoms of Wellbutrin withdrawal
  • How long withdrawal lasts
  • About real-world experiences with Wellbutrin withdrawal
  • How to detox safely

What Causes Wellbutrin Withdrawal?

Wellbutrin (Bupropion) is an antidepressant that affects norepinephrine and dopamine levels in the brain. It is used to treat anxiety and depression. While it is not considered addictive in the traditional sense, the body can come to rely on the effects of Wellbutrin to function normally. As a result, people who suddenly stop taking Wellbutrin after a long period of time often experience antidepressant discontinuation syndrome or withdrawals.

There are many factors that affect the severity and duration of Wellbutrin withdrawal. These include:

  • Stopping Wellbutrin abruptly - A sudden drop in norepinephrine and dopamine levels can trigger withdrawal symptoms.
  • High dosage - Higher doses may lead to stronger withdrawal effects.
  • Duration of use - Long-term use can make withdrawal more intense and prolonged.
  • Individual brain chemistry - Some people are more sensitive to changes in serotonin levels.
  • Tapering too quickly - Gradual dose reduction helps minimize withdrawal but doesn’t always prevent symptoms.

Common Wellbutrin Withdrawal Symptoms

Quitting Wellbutrin cold turkey is not recommended. It can cause mild to severe withdrawal symptoms, such as:

  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Depression or worsening of original symptoms
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating (“brain fog”)
  • Insomnia or vivid dreams
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Brain zaps

What Reddit Users Say About Wellbutrin Withdrawal

The subreddits r/antidepressants and r/bupropion regularly have users asking others about their experiences with Wellbutrin withdrawal.

Users in the comments share their experiences with Wellbutrin withdrawal:

  • “I took 350mg XL for 4 years. I stopped it cold turkey, a bit of dizziness and tiredness for three or four days, on day 5 now and just feel a little tired but otherwise better than I felt—emotionally—on it.” - broozi
  • “Complete loss of appetite, crazy sweating and diarrhea for months.” - megggzzz21
  • “Stopped cold turkey from 300 mg daily after 3 years of prescription. Only had slight insomnia for 4 days. Nothing else. My appetite did increase a bit though, so I had to be more mindful about my eating.” - Soundcaster023
  • “I cut my 300mg Wellburtrn XL down to 150mg, 3 weeks ago, for the past 2 weeks I’ve just been feeling out of it. It’s been really bad this past week, generalized weakness, nausea, achy all over, burning/cooling sensations.” - NickiStacked
  • “I just went cold turkey and it’s been extremely hellish for me. I was on 150mg and I’ve had nausea, diarrhea, tiredness, heat intolerance, sweating, and dizziness. It’s been a little over a week and I’m at a loss for what to do. Just hoping it goes away soon.” - violette-azarael
  • “I was on it for around 10 months 150XL STOPPED COLD TURKEY three days ago. Panic attacks at night and numbing on my extremities. Sucks and makes me feel I'm admit to die sometimes I guess that's just panic attacks... Yet nothing compared with the Xanax withdrawal.” - deleted account
  • “It was terrible for me. Impossible to get off. I've tried cold turkey, I've tried weening every other day, tried smaller immediate doses, nothing works for me so I'm still on it.” - caligoanimus

While individual experiences vary, users seem to agree that the best way to quit Wellbutrin is to do it very slowly under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Understanding NDRIs and Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome

While Wellbutrin withdrawal is generally less intense than SSRI withdrawal, it can still be uncomfortable. Unlike selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which primarily target serotonin, NDRIs focus on boosting energy, alertness, and overall mental well-being.

NDRIs don’t always cause withdrawal symptoms, but some people still experience uncomfortable symptoms after discontinuation. This happens because the brain has adapted to the increased availability of norepinephrine and dopamine, and sudden changes can disrupt neurotransmitter balance.

Although NDRI medications are safe, effective, and widely used, they do not come without risks. One risk is the potential for antidepressant discontinuation syndrome (withdrawal) if you suddenly stop taking an NDRI or without tapering off it.

Brain Zaps During Wellbutrin Withdrawal

While antidepressant withdrawal can cause a range of symptoms, one of the most notorious is brain zaps. Brain zaps are sudden, brief, and often uncomfortable sensations that feel like electric shocks in the brain. 

On the r/antidepressants subreddit, users describe brain zaps in the following ways:

  • “Do you know when you’re about to fall asleep but you get that thing where your mind convinces you you’re falling? that’s kind of what they feel like except without the fear. it’s basically just a zap in your head, it’s not painful and it makes it a little hard to think.” - elisacutie
  • “For me it was a quick buzzing sensation momentarily or for a few seconds and would pass. It was definitely not painful in any way tho. (...annoying maybe, but that's it.)” - StevnBrklyn
  • “For me it was always when I’d turn my head it felt almost like I’d skip a second of consciousness. It’s not like I’d be unconscious, more like I’d just almost skip time. My brain would skip a beat.” - Electronic-Trade-504
  • “Brain zaps are kind of like when you look at a bright light and your jaw clenches and it’s like a little buzz sensation” - 80sScreamQueen

While the exact cause of brain zaps isn’t fully understood, they are believed to result from the brain adjusting to lower serotonin levels after stopping an SSRI or NDRI.

Brain zaps can vary in intensity and frequency, lasting anywhere from a few days to several weeks. While they are not dangerous, they can be distressing and interfere with daily life. 

Tapering off Wellbutrin is the Solution

Gradually tapering off Wellbutrin under medical supervision can help reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms, including brain zaps.

If you have been taking Wellbutrin, it’s best to speak with your prescribing doctor before deciding to quit. Quitting can lead to not only withdrawal symptoms but also a re-emergence of depression and anxiety.

If your prescribing physician thinks it's time to quit Wellbutrin, they will help you slowly taper off it by gradually reducing your dose over a period of weeks or months. Tapering slowly can help you avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Find Support Today

At Moving Mountains Recovery, you’re more than just a number. Our addiction treatment and mental health programs are uniquely tailored to meet your needs and set you on the path to recovery. Whether you need detox, outpatient treatment, or therapy, we can help. Contact us today to get started with a confidential, risk-free assessment.

  1. National Institute of Health (NIH): Bupropion
  2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Wellbutrin
  3. Sage Journals: Bupropion: a systematic review and meta-analysis of effectiveness as an antidepressant
  4. American Family Physician: Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome

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